Welcome to my blog!

I completely abandoned it a year or so ago but I'm back, now, still trying to discern a call to ministry (?) and figure out how to weave the various strands of my spiritual interests together with what seems to be an insistent call I haven't yet answered.

How it will all look, I have no idea!

So these posts will be for me until I can figure out exactly what I will offer to others.

You're still welcome to join me for tea & contemplation. :)

Meditation Video

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading ~ Coming into Your Own

Something new is being birthed into your life. You are in a good place to let go of the old and make way for the new.

You are especially close to the spiritual energy of the between places, the realm of life hovering on the bridge between the physical and the spiritual.

The energy of creativity is available to you. Nurture and take care of any new projects you have begun and be on the lookout for new opportunities to come your way. When they show up, move toward them quickly and aggressively. Ask for guidance about how to make the most of those opportunities.

Though you do not need massive strength to be safe and secure, you do need to be capable of standing on your own. Stay grounded and connected to the energy of both earth and water.

Now is the time to assert yourself, to express your authority and know that you will be heard and your authority respected. Follow your own path and listen to your own wisdom. You know what is best for you and it is safe to trust that inner knowing. Allow it to guide you home.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Completing the Ritual

Bringing the Ritual to a Close

As you begin the process of concluding the blessing ritual, have everyone take several moments to sit quietly and contemplate their experience. Encourage them to think about what shifted for them, to allow gratitude for every way in which they were empowered, inspired, blessed.

Suggest that they decide what they want to take with them into the days ahead. They can consider when they might repeat the part of the experience that meant the most for them (it's a blessing for them, too).

For closure, you might have each woman say a prayer or a few words of intention about what she is taking with her as you conclude the experience. Energetically re-open the healing circle you created and then, suggest that each woman imagine shrinking part of it into a tiny little heart-shaped memento she can press into her heart.

As the ceremony ends, have each woman step out of that space and back into the day. This ending leads to the less formal part of the gathering and is often followed by eating together and spending time just being with the mother-to-be.

The connection each woman has created to her and to each other lasts well beyond the experience itself and offers a source of strength and connection for the mother-to-be if she needs it in the weeks to come. Many women make a commitment to the mother-to-be to be there for her if she needs them and to remind her of any aspect of the powerful process she experienced when she needs it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

You are going to need to draw on courage and strength to face the truth about something. It maybe the way you feel about a situation you’re involved in or something that is happening that you would rather not know about, or a truth about yourself, but whatever it is, you haven’t admitted it to yourself yet.

Know that it is safe to do so and you will be guided and healed and protected. And that loving, angelic help is always available when you ask.

This truth is related to illusions you are holding onto that are holding you back. Remember that many things are not the way they seem. Sometimes we create those illusions to protect ourselves. But you are becoming ready to know what it is.

You are ready now for the transformation and healing that will come from knowing the truth.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Creating an Altar

In a traditional blessingway ceremony, the mother-to-be is sometimes left with mementos and reminders of the ritual experience and is encouraged to create an altar that will empower her during the remainder of her waiting period. If you are interested in creating one, there are a number of empowering possibilities.

Possibilities include...

A pregnancy altar - designed to honor this most important time in her life. You might have symbols and images that are related to motherhood, pregnancy, etc.

A mother within altar - designed to remind her that she has wisdom and strength within and can trust herself as she navigates through the challenges of this journey to motherhood.

A mother earth altar - designed to encourage her to draw strength and nurturing from the solid wisdom of the earth. Food or nature symbols would be used for this altar.

The next step in the blessing ritual is completing the ritual.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Feng Shui: Creating a Feng Shui Home

Get Rid of Clutter

The first thing to do is to remove all the clutter. And, everyone has clutter. What about that closet you have given up to the dust bunnies? Where do old lawn tools go to die? It’s probably somewhere in your garage.

Hold a yard sale or a swap meet to get rid of stuff you don’t need any more. Donate clothing in good condition to the local charity. Much of the extra stuff contributes to your energy not flowing throughout the house as it should.

Use the Map

Next, create a bagua or energy map of your home. There are four cardinal points (North, South, East and West) and each one can be further divided (NE, NW, SE and SW). You now have eight distinct areas in your home. Each area has a governing element and colors recommended for your use.

Feng shui is applied not only to building harmony and releasing energy in your home but also to cures. Even a home needs to be cured now and then.

Have you ever walked into a place and felt depressed or sad? Something is wrong with the energy in that place, according to feng shui theory. Feng shui cures extend to using crystals, essential oils and representations of the elements to cleanse and bring your home back to a stable energy level.

Create Elemental Harmony

Learn everyone’s governing element. Determine which element each member of your family is most alogned with and use that element in each person's bedroom. The décor will create harmony in everyone’s private space.
In the common areas, bring all of the elements together in balance through furniture, artwork, flowers and other features. Using miniature fountains is a great way to bring water into the picture.

In medicine wheel feng shui, the elements are earth, water, fire and air, and it is that system I will be referring to in the weeks to come as we look at creating a home for your soul.
Is Everything in the Right Place?

Where everything in your room is placed is also important. You want the energy to flow unhindered. Resist blocking natural doorways with furniture. Avoid re-cluttering your home with a lot of furniture or accents. Less is more. Simple changes make a big difference in a feng shui home.

A feng shui expert can give you direction as to how much of one color to use in any given space. It is your job to be open to the changes suggested to create positive energy in your home.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Bonding with Her Baby

Bonding with Her Baby

Many people believe that we exist with God or the divine or the universe as spirit before we come to earth to be born into our families. Part of the traditional blessingway experience is to have the mother-to-be take a few moments to connect with the baby who is coming to her.

In this blessing ritual, she can make it fit her own belief system, keeping in mind that the idea is to increase her feeling of closeness to her little one. The other women can support her by taking a few moments to connect by spirit with the children they have already or just breathe deeply and send the energy of love to the mother-to-be.

So here, you might create a brief meditation where you have the mother-to-be place one hand on her heart and the other on her tummy and focus on the love that wells up within her, telling herself that her baby feels her love and is safe and warm within the circle of love she has created. You could read the following quote.

"As you talk and play music to your unborn baby, and massage her through your belly, you can make her feel calm, safe, tranquil and loved. When she's feeling this good, her brain is bathed in love hormones such as serotonin, which help her develop into a healthy, happy baby." -Miriam Stoppard, Bonding Before Birth

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Feng Shui: The Colors of Feng Shui

There are five elements that are essential to feng shui: fire, wood, metal, earth and wind. Each element is associated with a color or a group of similar colors that represent its energy. You’ll be surprised to see where you favorite color turns up.

Earth – In feng shui theory, the earth represents stability in your life. It helps you to stay rooted and grounded in your relationships. The colors associated with the earth element are beige and a light shade of yellow. Light colors like these on walls will lighten up a space and make you feel as if anything is possible.

Fire – As you might imagine, colors associated with the fire element are red, orange, bright yellow, pink and purple. If you think that pink doesn’t seem to fit, you haven’t seen the “hot” variation. All of these colors will make your heart race and feed your energetic attitude.

Wood – In feng shui, the wood element is an ancient symbol of prosperity. Trees are made of wood and they contain lush green leaves and provide an abundance of oxygen for the people of the world. In keeping with these “life givers” the colors for this element are green and brown. So, it’s not a coincidence that money is green!

Metal – If you’ve ever looked at metal you see how it has definite lines and shapes. In feng shui, metal brings clarity to your life. The colors gray and white represent these qualities.

Water – Water is an element that represents abundance and a refreshing spirit. When you bathe in water it makes you feel clean. Using the colors of blue and black in your home promotes that purity.

Don’t be afraid to add color in your home or office. How and where you use each color is governed by the feng shui energy map of your living area. 

Color isn’t just for the walls but also the artwork, furniture and accents. It inspires your dreams, opens your hearts and brings new life into your home.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Nurturing & Empowering the Mother-to-Be

Nurturing the Mother-to-Be

In a blessingway ceremony, this is the yummy part where everyone focuses in on pampering the mother-to-be. They massage her shoulders, wash her feet, and all sorts of wonderful things.

You could place her in the center of the room in a comfy chair, and choose several ways to pamper her. You want to be careful not to overwhelm her, so don't let everyone jump on her at once, but have each person who will be nurturing her decide in which order each activity will take place.

In fact, for the blessingway experience, in general, you might want to gather together everyone who will be helping you before the big day and plan out how it will all go.

Empowering the Mother-to-Be

One of the features of the blessingway is empowerment through storytelling.

Mothers-to-be hear terrible stories about the horrors that could befall them during pregnancy, labor and delivery. Other mothers sometimes seemed to relish passing on fear as if it pays them back for whatever suffering they experienced.

The blessingway experience counters that by giving the mother stories that honor women and mothers, that increase the mother's trust in the process. Stories of love, of bonding, of motherhood.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Feng Shui: The Elements of Feng Shui

The Five Elements

There are five main elements in traditional feng shui theory. They are wood, fire, water, earth and metal. Each element plays a crucial role within the space that you occupy, whether it is your home or your office. After you have used a compass and your home’s floor plan to create the bagua (energy map) the next step is to look at the elements that control each of the eight areas.

Each element has a particular life area that it influences. Knowing what areas those are helps with creating the design of your home and the use of furniture and accents that demonstrate that specific element.

Fire – As you can imagine, anything that has to do with fire inspires a passion that burns deep within. The fire element also adds a high amount of energy to anything that you do. This includes your work (career), your leisure activities and for couples, your sex life.

Water - Water is a refreshing element. Water flows freely bring with it an abundance of good fortune. In ancient rituals of many cultures, water was used as a purifying agent. Using the water element in your home adds purity, abundance of energy and a fresh feeling.

Earth – The Earth element brings a feeling of stability and security to your home. Mother Earth nurtures all who live on it and within it. The same goes for the earth element in your home – it nourishes each family member.

Metal – You may be wondering why metal is an element. Metal is used to represent efficiency and clarity of mind and purpose. Your work will have both a well-defined purpose and good qualities when the metal element is present.

Wood – The wood element equals health to the body. Healing cures using feng shui include the wood element in their composition. Prosperity in your home is also governed by the wood element.

Each feng shui element serves a different purpose in the home. The associated colors and areas that work best with each element help you to build positive energy throughout your home. Each area will be strong in a particular element and give you a certain feeling when you enter that room.

Note: In medicine wheel feng shui, the elements are earth, water, fire and air, and it is that system I will be referring to in the weeks to come as we look at creating a home for your soul.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Opening to Guidance

Opening to Guidance

This is an ideal time for the mother-to-be to begin to seek intuitive guidance from the highest wisdom available. I believe that anyone can be guided to make the very best decisions for herself and her family if she chooses to ask for guidance.

In Bond with Your Baby Before Birth, author Kim O'Neill advises the mother-to-be to make contact with the energy of her unborn child and ask her baby to tell her what he or she needs.

To help her access that wisdom briefly during the blessing ritual, create a meditation sequence that involves deep breathing and relaxation, imagining a peaceful scene, and then, asking for Wisdom (God, an angel, Spirit, a guide, her baby or whatever fits her belief system) to meet her there.

Lead her to ask if there is anything she needs to know today and make plans to return in the days and weeks ahead to talk with this source of wisdom again.

Next Post: Completing the Ritual

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Feng Shui: What is Feng Shui?

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a spiritual system that began in ancient China about 3,000 years ago. There are many complex notions that go into feng shui but a simple paring down of the philosophy has become popular in the Western hemisphere today. Basically, feng shui revolves around the "chi" or energy that surrounds all life.

The words feng shui literally mean "wind water." Both concepts are associated with prosperity and good health in the Chinese lifestyle. To have good energy flowing through your home, use the basics of feng shui.

Basics of Feng Shui

In a given living space, each room has its own energy. The energy has to be allowed to flow freely throughout the items within the room to create a total atmosphere of positive things.

Feng shui theory says that you can affect the energy around you simply by creating a space that is favorable to your life. This involves knowing the five feng shui elements, feng shui colors and how the energy moves throughout each room in your home.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: the Worry Jar

Aromatic Blend

Lavender, chamomile and rose are nurturing, comforting essential oils that can help everyone release fear and worry.

Add 10 drops of each to a carrier oil, or lotion, roll the bottle from side to side to blend it, pass it around to each woman present to put into the palms of her hands, rub them together and lift them to inhale, and create a very nurturing experience that will help each one let go of negative feelings.

The Worry Jar

Another possibility that can help everyone release worry and fear is to create a worry jar. They can write out their concerns, fold them up and place them in the jar.

The jar, then, placed in a central place, serves as a powerful reminder, every time anyone sees it, that she is letting go of fear and indeed, has released it, already.

The next part of the blessing ritual involves empowering yourself and opening to guidance.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blog Plan for October

For the month of October, this blog will continue but in a slightly changed form. Mondays will still provide Native American spirituality (specifically, info about the blessingway ritual, which I think is so easily adapted and used as a healing experience for anyone, pregnant or not).

But October Wednesdays will be wordless Wednesdays and will offer video inspiration for meditation.

On Fridays, I will offer you basic information about feng shui.

Then, in November, we will likely return to our regularly scheduled programming :).

See you Monday!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Readings

Does life feel chaotic for you, right now? Are you overwhelmed?

Slow down. Get grounded and centered again. Make sure you aren’t trying to “push the river”. It’s not always better to get there faster. Spend time regularly grounding yourself. Connect with the earth mother within.

Are you taking enough time for yourself? Is there anything you might be missing because you are keeping yourself too busy? Busyness can be a way to avoid seeing what is right in front of you. Slow down the pace and really take it all in.

Remember that you have all the time you need to accomplish whatever you set out to do. It’s okay to slow down. You will still get there. Don’t let anyone else rush you. Follow your own rhythm.

And remember, too, that you are not alone. You are being held gently in love. Allow yourself to be aware of the deep love that holds you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Releasing Fear

Releasing Fear

This is the part of the blessing ritual where each person gets to let go of all of their fear and negativity. You can use the following meditation idea I have provided or create your own for the women to experience.

Lead each woman to begin by taking several deep breaths, and focusing on sending relaxation to every part of their bodies. The more relaxed they are, the more deeply they will take in the meaning of this experience.

You might have them take a few minutes to imagine a golden light above them, showering them with warmth and relaxation, searching out any areas that are still tense, gently loosening up the tension and washing it away. Once they are fully relaxed, they can begin to identify their fears.

Each woman, but especially the mother-to-be, should take as much time as she needs to identify every worry and concern. Whatever they are, they can take them out, look them over, acknowledge them and then, consciously release them.

Each woman can picture them floating away and then, dissipating as they are absorbed into the loving energy that surrounds you all.

You might have each woman conclude the experience with a prayer or another statement of intention...

I now release all of these fears to the four winds, knowing that they will handle them with love and exchange them for peace.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Full Moon Friday ~~ Shine on, Harvest Moon!...

I am writing this post early in case anyone wants to get in on the full moon action today instead of tomorrow. The official full moon time was last night around 11pm and it began its rise during the autumn equinox, so lots of spiritual stuff happening these past couple of days.

Since the full moon remains full for a couple of days before it begins to go into hiding, I decided to make the Friday Feng Shui post a Friday Full Moon post instead.

My son and I both created full moon dreamboards today. If you would like to create one, too, think about what in your life you would like to create or harvest as we begin the autumn season.

Here are our dreamboards! Mine is above, my son's is below. Please share yours on my Squidoo full moon dreamboard lens. Once yours is created, I invite you to put it on your windowsill, balcony or near the window where the light of the moon will pass by...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

Open your hands and heart to receive the gifts that are coming your way. Something good is coming. Whatever you allow will show up for you. Expect enchantment and be on the lookout for synchronicities.

There is something you have set in motion and if you continue with it, you will be successful. Within the next few months, something will show up for you, so don’t give up. Carry on, keep moving forward and strengthen your faith and your patience.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Shifting Negative Energy

Shifting Negative Energy

"The blessingway ceremonies create a sacred and safe environment where a mother-to-be can explore the challenges and joys that lie before her as she approaches birthing and mothering."-- Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke and Donna Miller Watelet, Mother Rising

In this part of the blessing ritual, you begin the process of helping the mother-to-be bond with her baby and release any fear or negativity that might get in the way of that connection.

"You fully commit yourself to being present to your purpose by releasing fears (or anything else that might distract you, cloud your efforts, or block your intentions). The process of letting go of fear is usually one of the most powerful parts of a blessingway ritual..."-Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke and Donna Miller Watelet, Mother Rising

Next Post: Bonding with her baby

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

You are about to experience an awakening. Get ready for it.

You are being called to fully become who you are, to access all of the magic within, let go of whatever has been holding you back and take flight. Set your intention, ask for intuitive guidance, call out for healing energy and open yourself to the magic that will take place.

Trust your ability to find the answers you need. Solutions will come to you if you can relax enough to allow them. Begin to stretch into your potential by trusting the magic within you and the wisdom you seek to provide answers, to provide guidance and to bring about awakening and transformation.

Journal Questions

(1) What do the words "magic", "transformation", and "awakening" mean to you?

(2) What might they mean in your life at this point in time?

(3) Is there an area of your life that needs transformation?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Sacred Intention

Once you have cleared the space, begin the healing circle time with a statement of intention or a prayer. It can be said out loud or silently, in your heart.

But indicate in some way that you intend to release anything that might hold you back, and open your heart and soul to all that you need in that moment.

If you would like to intensify the spiritual energy of the moment, you can do a kind of invocation, asking for and opening yourself to Divine presence and influence.

The original inspiration for the multi-woman gathering for the mother-to-be called the blessingway comes from Native American Spirituality. To follow that inspiration, you might ask for the energy of each of the four directions: the East, which represents the element of fire; the South, which represents the element of Earth; the West, which represents the element of water and the North, which represents the element of air.

A sample invocation, using the four directions, might be...

May the fire of the East burn away all that needs to be released and lift it away from this healing circle. May the Earth energy of the South ground us and center us and empower us as I begin this work. May the water of the West wash away any negative energy in this space and help us open our hearts to whatever needs to happen in this moment. And may the North blow a healing wind over this healing circle, bringing us everything we need.

But feel free to use whatever form of spirituality works best for all of you or to use none at all.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nurture Your Spirit by Celebrating Fall

Decorating for Fall

Fall is my favorite season!! I swear I can feel fall in the air toward the end of August, in spite of the 90-degree-plus heat and humidity here in the south. And my eye starts roaming around the rooms in my home, looking for ways to begin to add those touches that say "autumn joy."

Well, if you feel that way, too, you and I are in great company. Head over to The Inspired Room and meet the collection of women who are already feeling fall!

Meet Me Here on Fridays

Join me every Friday for Friday Feng Shui, helping you bring joy to your home and nurture your soul by sharing everything I have learned about medicine feng shui and interior alignment from Denise Linn and other great spiritual designers. And during the month of October, on Fridays here and every day at Create a Home for Your Soul, I will enjoy 21 Days of Autumn Bliss.

Feng Shui Principles

How to get started so you, too, can experience autumn wonder in October? Here are some brief ways to start the process. More on each in the days and weeks to come.

(1) Clear Your Clutter: I am doing that right now but let me admit that I have a ways to go because I am a pack rat.

(2) Clear Your Space: Release any negative energy trapped inside your home. Open the windows, light a candle in each room, mist or smudge the rooms and transform the way your house feels.

(3) Honor Your Alignment: Do you know which element your spirit aligns with most? Find out and choose carefully when you begin decorating.

See you next Friday!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

As you mature in your life as a healer, as you more fully inhabit and express this part of who you are, your “true colors” as a healer will shine forth. Your bright and vivid uniqueness will develop and manifest more and more. It may take time but it will happen.

Know that you are filled with light and can be a reflection of light in the lives of others.

Is there anything going on emotionally that you need to “air out” or that needs fresh air? Do you need to look at it from a new perspective?

Are you avoiding your feelings about this issue?

Look for what needs to transform in your life. There is promise and magic awaiting you as you allow yourself to be transformed.

No matter what your situation is right now, transformation and healing are possible. Give it some sunshine and fresh air, allow a little time, and transformation will occur.

But this transformation may require you to let go of your illusions and release what belongs to the past because holding on is restricting you. When you are able to do that, the transformation that occurs will open the door to a magical, bright future.

This process is not immediate. You may need time to grieve before you are fully able to let go. Allow these feelings to surface. Avoiding them has been weighing you down.

The reward for allowing yourself to grieve and then, letting it go is that you will finally be able to take flight and soar in a way you never have before.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Blessingway: Creating Sacred Space

The Blessingway Ritual

The Blessingway began as a Native American tradition for women about to give birth. I think it's a fantastic gift for mommies-to-be, but also can be used as a spiritual way to nurture women whether they are pregnant or not.

You can use it to nurture or "birth" yourself as a ritual using each step of the process or any particular part of it that calls out to you at the time.

So I offer it here to you each Monday, hoping you will use this ritual to nurture and create growth and healing. And I would love to hear about your experiences. Each week, I will describe a different part of the blessingway ceremony. You can use them separately and then, try them all together if you'd like.

The first part of the ritual involves creating sacred space.
Creating Sacred Space

As this part of the blessingway ritual begins, each person can clear and prepare her space and herself. There are a couple of methods they could use for preparing themselves and they could use them both for clearing their space, as well.

Clearing Themselves

You and each of the women present could do any or all of the following...

Rose Water: in a bowl, place filtered water and add rose petals or rose essential oil. Dip your hands inside and focus on releasing anything (thoughts, feelings, energies) you don't want to bring into the healing space.

Sea Salt Spray Bottle: after pouring in an ounce of sea salt and 10 drops of lemon or sage essential oil, fill a spray bottle with filtered water and roll the bottle back and forth in your hands to blend. Spray lightly around yourself to clear negative thoughts/feelings/energy from your energy field.

Clearing Their Space

Each woman also can use either one of those methods, or both, for clearing her space. First, designate an area for this motherhood work and create a healing space or circle (of space) to work in.

Rose Water: if you have used a bowl of rose water to clear your energy field, use your hand to fling several drops into the air around your healing circle.

Sea Salt Spray: if you chose the spray bottle, spray a wide circle around the area you have designated for healing.

Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Create Sanctuary...

Great article by Dr. Andrew Weil...

"Your home - whether big, small, or somewhere in between - should be your sanctuary, a place where stress is left at the door and your soul is nurtured. For a more comforting environment, gradually implement the following changes into your home..."

My favorite of his recommendations...

"Set aside a room or area for peace and calm. A place for spiritual reflection and meditation can provide shelter from noise and distraction."

"Create an atmosphere of love. Display handmade or meaningful gifts from loved ones and photos of family and friends."

Read more of the article!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

After the Challenge: This Blog's Transformation...

For the past 30 days, I have been posting daily in this blog as part of a month-long ultimate blog challenge. I decided to use that time to present Native American astrology.

Now that the challenge has ended, this blog will return to its regular posting schedule. Starting next week, I will post three times a week, about Native American spirituality, intuitive readings on Wednesdays, and how to create a home for your soul with spiritual healing tips on Fridays.

As always, I welcome your feedback!

See you tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

You are a visionary and a messenger and you are being led, with gentle, loving energy to your life purpose. You are being led home, to the core of who you are.

You know the way home no matter how far away you have wandered. If you are feeling lost, know that there is an instinctive part of you that can lead you back home to yourself.

Remember who you are. Come home to yourself.
Pay careful attention because your soul is sending you messages, gently nudging & guiding you toward your soul purpose. Be open to guidance about how to use your own creative energy to manifest your life purpose.
Be prepared for people who may be unable to understand you or your vision. Don’t let them take your power.

A new sense of empowering and self-worth is awakening in you and it will enable you to triumph over the circumstances you’re dealing with right now.
If you have been going through something difficult or painful, you are about to shift into moving through it in a triumphant way, with a new hope & a new vision.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Elk Totem Characteristics...

More Elk Character Traits

People born under the elk sign can be very charming and fascinating people, and they have a great sense of humor. Because of this, people may forgive them more than they would otherwise.

Have you noticed that in your own life?

Because of their quick tempers, people born under this sign sometimes speak without thinking. Their anger or rage may be like a summer storm, passing as quickly as it came, but the hurtful things they said while it happened may not be forgotten so easily or quickly. They can be hypercritical, and often point out the inadequacies they see in others.

As parents, this tendency to say nasty and hurtful things can be harmful over time and is a weakness they need to be aware of so that it doesn’t.


Elk people are both excellent students and excellent teachers. Sometimes it is when they begin to teach others that they finally settle down in their lives. So any career that involves teaching would be great for them.They love to discover new things, so scientific careers would suit them as well.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Elk Totem

The Elk

If you were born between November 22nd and December 21st, you were born under the sign of the elk.

Elk Totem Character Traits

"Individuals born under the sign of the elk have a naturally positive outlook on life and are enterprising and full of energy and vitality. People born under this sign are idealists, and this trait seems to keep them going when they face disappointments. They are believers, and they are willing to fight for their beliefs. They are both loyal and independent, and they manage to balance both traits. They are often intuitive, and are always on the lookout for new experiences." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Because they are so independent, elk people may find it hard to sustain close personal relationships. They want to have a comfortable and familiar, solid home base to come back to after traveling. Though they are ardent and deeply sincere in their relationships, they sometimes choose to sacrifice intimacy and commitment to their need for freedom.

More Elk characteristics coming your way tomorrow...

See you then!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Snake Totem Characteristics

More Snake Totem Character Traits

Trusting the people they love, and even coworkers and friends, is an important need for them. They will do whatever is needed for someone they trust, but once a situation proves that they cannot trust someone, that trust is gone for good!

Because they are determines, passionate and intense, snake people work hard and play hard. They can take on a huge workload and will be there before anyone else arrives, getting it done. But they also love to have parties and to travel, playing as intensely as they work. They are good at organizing and reliable problem solvers.

Using their intuitive ability, they often see a problem coming down the road long before it actually manifests, and usually, they are right.

Though they are kind and generous with the people they love, they also argue intensely and sometimes do not realize what impact they are having on other people. Others may leave or reject that overbearing, insistent manner and then they wonder what happened, what they did wrong that led to losing the relationship.


People born under this sign are great in positions of leadership and authority, and in jobs or careers where they can feel like they are doing something of value and can help people sort out their problems. This offers a variety of possibilities, including police work, medical professions, sports trainers and others.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Snake

The Snake

If you were born between October 24th and November 21st, you were born under the sign of the snake.

Snake Totem Character Traits

"The feelings of people born under the sign of the snake can be intense, but these people are also cautious. They avoid revealing their weaknesses to others. On the surface, they are bold and confident people, but this façade masks insecurity and a need to protect their feelings. Those born under the snake sign have the ability to sum up others at a glance and see right through charlatans almost before they have spoken." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Does that sound like you?

If you were born under this sign, then you are able to do the same thing in new situations, knowing almost immediately, on an intuitive level, whether the situation is a good one or a bad one. You may have an interest in the occult, but want proof before they believe any particular claim.

Snake people make great strategists, so if you are headed somewhere in life, I would bet that you have a detailed plan for getting there.

More snake totem characteristics tomorrow...

See you then!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Raven Characteristics

More Raven Totem Character Traits

If you were born under this sign, peace and quiet are important to you and you are likely to speak softly and do whatever it takes to create or maintain peace. You don’t want to upset anyone, and can be very diplomatic and cooperative with others.

You are quite friendly and once you decide that you like someone, that person will probably become a lifelong friend. You are often very forgiving with those you love.

However, you are easily bored and sometimes, this affects your relationships. You may find that suddenly you are drifting away from a partner who was once important to you because it is hard for you to handle the demands of others.

Speaking of demands, you sometimes feel like the world is asking you to go too fast in order to keep up, when you would prefer a steadier pace. You don’t like to hurry!

Your appearance is very important to you, and because you take such pride in it, you may sometimes seem vain and superficial. You do not see yourself that way, because you know how deeply you care about certain things, so you may wonder why people think that of you.


If you were born under this sign, then you are great with people and would do well in any profession that involved working with others. Because you can be pleasant and persuasive, you would be good in careers that require problem-solving.

High-pressure sales jobs where you work on commission probably would not be a good fit. But you are good at making arrangements for others, so social work or real estate would be good choices.

Careers in the beauty industry would fit because you enjoy helping other people to look good. Hairdresser, makeup artist or something else in that field would make a good career choice.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Raven

The Raven

If you were born between September 23rd and October 23rd, you were born under the sign of the raven.

Raven Totem Character Traits

"People born under the sign of the raven are highly efficient individuals who put ideas into practice. They can be dynamic, but they may not always seize opportunities when they arise. Individuals born under this sign are pretty tech-savvy people, so they are able to learn and use the latest technology quite easily, and they can use it to their advantage. Ravens are very ambitious; they have great potential for new and successful enterprises." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Balance is very important to people born under this sign, so sometimes, when decisions have to be made, they are found sitting on the fence, weighing pros and cons and finding it hard to land on either side.

Raven people hate conflict and will avoid people who seem to be causing trouble. Though they are not known to carry a grudge, if you hurt them, they are not likely to forget it.

Does this sound like you, so far?

More raven characteristics tomorrow. See you then!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Grizzly Bear Characteristics

More Grizzly Bear Character Traits...

If this is your animal sign, you are well-groomed, taking care with your appearance. You are hardworking and reliable. And you are caring and giving. Sometimes, people take advantage of your gentle, dutiful nature and you may find that you tend to choose takers for your intimate relationships.

You are an independent thinker and because of that, you like to think through and solve your problems yourself. Problem solving is a skill for you.

You can be shy but you also can be quietly obstinate. You also can be critical of others and others may see you as having a sharp tongue. You sometimes make hurtful remarks even when you don’t mean to do so.

You often find yourself caring for others and sometimes you resent their demands. However, you are considerate toward others and can be gentle with them.


You can often be found on the caring professions, and also would do well with a writing career. Any career that requires using your sharp mind would serve you well.

See you tomorrow!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Grizzly Bear...

Grizzly Bear Totem Characteristics

"People born under the grizzly bear totem seldom seek the spotlight; they are somewhat introverted, and they usually prefer to work behind the scenes. They are naturally fastidious regarding cleanliness, hygiene, and health. They strive for perfection. Those born under this sign often feel as though they are not good enough. Some of these feelings may be a holdover from a childhood during which others in the family were valued more highly or where these individuals were made to feel worthless."—Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

People born under this sign find it hard to deal with criticism. This may be because they already are so critical of themselves. They try to reach for perfection but know that they fall short, as we all do.

Does any of this fit for you?

More characteristics of the grizzly bear tomorrow...


Monday, August 23, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Sturgeon Characteristics...


You are meant to lead but do not function well on a team. Faced with teamwork, you often will end up taking charge.

Generally, you have positive expectations, but sometimes react badly when things do not turn out as you expected. At times like those, it helps to have loved ones around to encourage you and this often helps to restore your self-confidence.


You are likely to rise to the top in business or commerce but may have standards too high for politics. Any career that offers opportunities for leadership and advancement would be of benefit.

See you tomorrow!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Sturgeon Totem

Sturgeon Totem Character Traits...

"Individuals born under the sign of the sturgeon, considered to be one of the strongest signs in Native American astrology, are dominant, spontaneous, creative and extroverted. These people were born to lead. They possess grace and dignity, and they have an expansive personality. Ambitious and strong-willed, they are positive and confident in their abilities. These people know what they want in life and they get it."—Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Does this sound familiar?


If you were born under this sign, you are not easily discouraged and will persist to achieve your goal. You can keep going in even the toughest circumstances. You can be quite stubborn, too, in your persistence, and in other ways. Sometimes, you just refuse to hear the other person’s side of things.

But you also are kind and generous and though you determine to succeed, you do not want to do so at someone else’s expense.

More sturgeon characteristics coming your way tomorrow...


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Flicker Characteristics...

Strong Opinions

You are sometimes opinionated and once someone hurts you or does you wrong, you never forget it and you don’t let them forget it either!
Beneath your sometimes protective exterior, you long for love and understanding and can be sensitive and intuitive, but other people may not always see those traits in you.


Because people born under this sign are often curious about what other people are thinking and can be very intuitive, they make good investigative journalists. Or politicians.

Flicker people are strongly influenced by their memories from childhood and sometimes get stuck living in the past. However, this makes them good at professions that involve exploration of history.

Because they are so multi-faceted, people born under the sign of the flicker can be good at a variety of professions and just need to choose what most speaks to their hearts.

See you tomorrow!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Flicker

Flicker Totem Characteristics...

"Individuals born under the sign of the flicker, one of the most perplexing signs, can range from timid, shy, dull, and withdrawn to brilliant, friendly, and famous. They can have a wide range if emotions, and they possess strong parental instincts. Fundamentally, people born under this sign are conservative and home loving by nature. They appreciate the security of a home base to which to retire when the stresses of life become too much to bear." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Sometimes you can seem to be obstinate and unwilling to compromise, but when you do that, it is because you are trying to hide your insecurity. The people you are closest to see your toughness but they see your tenderness, too.

More flicker characteristics tomorrow...


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Native American Astrology: Deer Characteristics...

Multiple Interests

Deer people have a variety of interests but they often only skim the surface of them, rather than becoming deeply absorbed. If they do find something that absorbs them, they are nonetheless aware that they are missing out on other interests they might pursue.


The main thing to keep in mind for choice of career is that people born under this sign need variety and change or they will get bored. So jobs where they can either change what they are working on or who they work with will help them stay interested and motivated.

See you tomorrow!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Deer

Deer Character Traits...

"People born under the sign of the deer interact with the environment, and investigate, learn, and share ideas. Those born under this intellectual sign value all mental activity, words and ideas. Born under the sign of the most versatile of the medicine wheel animals, these individuals are seldom what they seem. They are true free spirits. People born under the deer sign will usually have several projects going on at any one time—they can thrive on chaos." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Communication and knowledge are very important to people born under this sign. They love to exchange ideas with others, it lights them up from the inside!


But they can be like chameleons, so you may talk with them one day and find that you are on the same page about an issue, and the next time they see you, new information has occasioned a change of opinion. They also can sometimes be moody and they are easily bored.

More deer characteristics tomorrow...

See you then!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Beaver Totem Characteristics

As a reminder, if you were born between April 20th and May 20th, you were born under the sign of the beaver.

Beaver Totem Astrology Traits

They are often very warm, loving and gentle. They are easygoing people. It takes them a while to get angry but once they do, look out, because they can have fierce tempers and are not easy to be around when they are angry!
They also can be stubborn, resistant to change and extremely jealous and possessive. Because their personal conviction are so strong, it can be difficult for them to see the value in the ideas of others.

But they are loyal, generous, honest and dependable. They are good with money and they have integrity. They make decisions cautiously and carefully, thinking things through, weighing the pros and cons, before they decide. They avoid making rash decisions but often are proved right in their choices once they do decide.

They work very well with their hands and are often very physical people.


Because they are good at hanging on to their money, developing wealth and sustaining it, they would be good in most any business, but also would make good bankers or financial consultants.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Native American Astrology: Beaver Totem Characteristics

Beaver Character Traits

"People born under the sign of the beaver tend to be slow, methodical, practical, and reserved. They are also stolid, tenacious and determined, possessing tremendous willpower and self-discipline. These people are inclined to stick to tried and tested methods of thinking. Roots are very important to people born under this sign and they need a sense of permanence and security." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

People born under this sign derive their greatest satisfaction from results created or produced by their own efforts, rather than the work of others. They are hardworking and self-motivated and once they identify a goal and go after it, they are likely to achieve it.

More beaver characteristics tomorrow!

See you then!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Native American Astrology: Intro to the Beaver Totem

Native American spirituality is based on the belief that we are all connected to each other and to everything that is. The earth, the animals, the moon, the sun – they are all our relations. Native American astrology is based on the medicine wheel and it uses a twelve-month calendar, connecting a power animal to each calendar month.

That animal helps to define your character traits but also is said to offer spiritual assistance in helping you learn the life lessons you came here to master and to grow and heal.

Beaver Totem

In this blog series, we have been exploring each power animal or animal sign in the Native American zodiac system. Now, we will explore the beaver totem.

If you were born between April 20th and May 20th, then you were born under the Native American zodiac sign of the beaver.

Connecting Spiritually

From the beaver, you can learn about building upon and acting on your dreams, about teamwork, and persistence, about creating a close-knit family and about being affectionate, hardworking and self-reliant.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Native American Astrology: Were You Born Under the Sign of the Red-Tailed Hawk?

You were if you were born between March 21st and April 19th. Here are red-tailed hawk character traits...

Red-Tailed Hawk Character Traits

People born under the sign of the red-tailed hawk are great leaders, but are not so good at following. They are optimistic, generally believing that any problem can be turned around, and often become champions for the causes they believe in, having compassion for people who are not as fortunate as they are. They root for the underdog.

They are generous and open-hearted, often giving their time, their money and their efforts to help when it is needed. They are quick to act when responding to a situation.

Though they are intellectual, they are not dreamers, preferring to jump right in and get involved.

They are very independent and can be pioneers with their creativity, confidence and courage. They are often respected for their no-nonsense leadership skill and their ability to make quick decisions in situations that call for them.

They have very dynamic personalities, and they do not beat around the bush. They will quickly form an opinion and tell you exactly what they think. Sometimes they can be impatient. And they are so sure of themselves that they sometimes will seem arrogant.

They also can get angry pretty quickly and do not hold back when they are.


By far, the best choice of career for the person born under the sign of the red-tailed hawk is to be a teacher. They have the ability to teach anyone but they work especially well with children.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Red-Tailed Hawk

In this blog post, we will begin to look at the red-tailed hawk. If you were born between March 21st and April 19th, then you were born under the sign of the red-tailed hawk.

Spiritual Gift

"Studying the habits of the red-tailed hawk can teach you about grace, flying, survival, clear-sightedness, intensity, optimism and openness." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

The red-tailed hawk can be called upon to help you rise above a difficult situation and see it from a different perspective, it can help you soar and offer vision and help with identifying your life purpose. This hawk can help you develop intuitive ability and be a catalyst for hope and new ways of thinking.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Native American Astrology: More of the Cougar Sign

You are born under this sign if your birthday is between February 19th and March 20th. Here are more cougar characteristics...

Your sensitive, instinctual nature makes it unlikely that you are very practical or mechanical. You are absent-minded. And it may seem to others that you sometimes have difficulty navigating day-to-day demands.

You learn best by immersion. Logic is not as effective as being completely absorbed in what you are trying to learn.

You may do very well once you have found the right path and are likely to become completely absorbed in the work that you do. Unfortunately, that may mean that other important things in your life get the short end of the stick.

Best Work Environment

Your best environment is one where you have the opportunity for artistic excellence. You are gifted with creativity, imagination and intuition and need a way to make use of them in your work. This might mean music, drama, writing or art.

You will not work well in an environment that is too structured or feels controlling. An environment like that is likely to lead you to rebel.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Cougar Sign

If you were born between February 19th and March 20th, your animal sign is cougar, also called panther and mountain lion.

Cougar Traits

"When working on a spiritual vibration, cougars can teach you about speed, grace, territoriality, sensitivity, mystery, and communication." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

If you were born under the sign of the cougar, you are gentle and patient, and malleable. You are likely to adapt quickly to your surroundings and can easily become completely absorbed in your environment.

You are friendly and good-natured, kind and compassionate. You are very sensitive to other people’s feelings and often can sense what they need and give it to them. But you also are sensitive to the energy of the environment around you, to everything around you.

However, because you take things so personally and are so sensitive and emotional, others may feel that you require a lot of energy. Still, you are likable, and are likely to be quite popular. You are very loyal and you love your family and your home.

More cougar traits tomorrow...

See you then!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Native American Astrology: Are You an Otter?

You are if you were born between January 20th and February 15th. This is the third otter post and we are describing otter personality and character traits...

More Otter Characteristics

You need time alone to recharge and you enjoy your own company. But when you are with others, you are warm and kind and can be friendly and outgoing.

People born under this sign are intelligent, innovative and intuitive, and sometimes adopt an unconventional lifestyle, being drawn to what is unusual or unique.

Once you set a goal, you are undeterred by disappointment, and willing to go against the tide.

You do not appreciate interference from others, and will resist it, even when you know they mean well. You are not likely to be a follower, instead, you are the one who sets the trends.

Though you are capable of warmth and friendliness, at times you can be quite aloof and you do not usually seek out relationships with others. You may have a tendency to withdraw, preferring to be alone.

Professionally, you are likely to be well-suited for leadership roles and work involving research, science, or writing.

Astrology Profile

For a free complete Native American astrology profile, stay here and go to the Native American astrology page.

See you tomorrow!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Otter Characteristics

As a reminder, the otter is your sign if you were born between January 20th and February 15th.

More Otter Character Traits

You have very strong convictions and at times, can seem opinionated. If you believe in something, you are willing to fight for it and you are likely to argue vehemently about it.

Nonetheless, you can be tolerant of people whose opinions differ from yours. Even if you strongly disagree, you are likely to admit when they have a valid argument and accept your difference of opinion.
Despite your strong convictions, you are blessed with the ability to be objective. Though you are often frank and outspoken, you are also a personable and likable companion.

You can be idealistic and romantic but also can be practical. And once you make a commitment, you are committed for life.

Tomorrow, we look at more otter traits...

See you then!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Otter Totem

If you were born between January 20th and February 15th, your primary animal is the otter.

The Otter

"The charming and friendly otter is the most playful of animals in the wild. Both river and sea otters are happy when entertaining others." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Otter Totem Characteristics

There are times when you are sensitive and shy. And you also are often gentle and patient with others. But then there are times when you are not only enthusiastic, outgoing and lively, you can be quite the exhibitionist! Either way, you are likely to be quite strong-willed and you can be forceful when you want your way.

Does that sound like you?

More otter characteristics coming your way tomorrow...

See you then!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Native American Astrology: More Snow Goose Totem Character Traits

More Snow Goose Character Traits...

People born under this sign tend to be very practical people who want to have everything in order. They take things seriously but also have a rather dry sense of humor.

If this is your sign, you are likely to be quite independent. And good in a crisis. You are the one that people turn to when there is a crisis. They know they can count on you to be there for them and to remain steady while they fall apart.

You are sometimes quite cautious, yet you have a quiet confidence and can be very strong-willed. You work hard at anything you do and you set standards for yourself and others that are hard to meet. It bothers you to think you have let anyone down, but people let you down quite frequently when they fail to live up to your expectations.

You are often self-critical when you let yourself down and you expect others to be as demanding of themselves in a work environment. You expect them to work as hard and be as disciplined and when they don’t or aren’t, it disappoints you.

You are likely to be highly organized and very good at juggling multiple tasks at once. You are firm but fair in the way you deal with others.

For a free astrology reading, click on the Native American astrology page.

See you tomorrow!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Snow Goose Sign

In Native American Astrology, there are twelve moons and twelve signs that create the astrological system and that form the basis of their twelve-month calendar. Those twelve signs are based on the Native American medicine wheel. In this article, we will look at the first sign.

If you were born between December 22nd and January 20th, then your primary power animal is the snow goose.

Snow Goose

"Snow Geese like everything to be perfect; they are literal nitpickers. They will spend hours happily picking mosquitoes from other their feathers. People born under the sign of the snow goose are perfectionists." –Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

More Snow Goose characteristics coming your way tomorrow...

See you then!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Native American Astrology: The Twelve-Month Calendar

When were you born?

Comparison to Western Astrology

You probably know your sign based on Western astrology. In that system, each of the twelve astrological signs is connected to one of the elements: air, water, fire and earth, and those four elements rotate withing the system. In the Native American system, each person belongs to one of four clans --butterfly, turtle, frog and thunderbird-- and those rotate, as well.

Twelve-Month Calendar

Though there are some Native Americans still using the Aztec agricultural calendar, most now use a 12-month lunar calendar and have aligned it and the medicine wheel with dates used in Western astrology.

"The twelve Moons [they use] correspond to the weather or activities that one would expect to occur during each season. Each astrological sign also corresponds to a tree, a stone and a color."-- Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

Astrology Chart

Date                                      Sign (Animal)                                   Clan (Animal)
December 22-January 19            Snow                                              Goose Turtle
January 20-February 18              Otter                                                Butterfly
February 19-March 20             Cougar                                                 Frog
March 21-April 19                  Red Hawk                                           Thunderbird
April 20-May 20                       Beaver                                                 Turtle
May 21-June 20                         Deer                                                 Butterfly
June 21-July 22                         Flicker                                              Thunderbird
August 23-September 22       Grizzly Bear                                            Turtle
September 23-October 23        Raven                                                Butterfly
October 24-November 21        Snake                                                  Frog
November 22-December 21      Elk                                                   Thunderbird

In the next posts, we take a look at the calendar in more detail, identifying the power animal for each of the twelve months.

See you tomorrow!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What is Native American Astrology?

"Every culture on earth has a link to the invention of some form of astrology and various forms of calendar. … Native Americans have always been people of the land rather than city dwellers, so it is not surprising that the animals related to the seasons and areas in which they lived have become part of their astrology."—Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology


"Native American astrology uses the images of creatures to depict the seasons. These creatures exist in addition to the twelve 'zodiac' signs of the medicine wheel. They mark the turning point of each season and also the turning points during each day (dawn, noon, dusk, mid-night). The four 'seasonal' creatures are the white buffalo, the golden eagle, the coyote, and the grizzly bear." -- Deborah Durbin, Simply Native American Astrology

They also connect different animals, seasons and elements to the four directions on the medicine wheel: North, South, East and West. Using medicine wheel astrology, you can discover your major power animal and your minor ones.

In the next post, we will talk about the twelve-month calendar and the major power animals for each one.

See you tomorrow!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Concept of Animal Medicine

For Native Americans, "medicine" is anything that connects us more deeply to the divine or "Great Mystery", and to life, in general. Healing of our bodymind and our spirit is part of that and so is personal power.

"This medicine is also anything that brings personal power, strength, and understanding. It is the constant living of life in a way that brings healing to the Earth Mother and to all of our associates, family, friends and fellow creatures. Native American medicine is an all-encompassing 'way of life,' for it involves walking on the Earth Mother in perfect harmony with the Universe."-Jamie Sams and David Carson, Medicine Cards

Animal medicine suggests that we have access to this empowerment all the time because of our connection to certain animals that have come to be with us for a lifetime. But it also encourages us to ask for what we need if we do not have it. To borrow from the traits of animals who have what we need.

"When you call upon the power of an animal, you are asking to be drawn into complete harmony with the strength of that creature's essence. Gaining understanding from these brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom is a healing process, and must be approached with humility and intuitiveness." --Jamie Sams and David Carson, Medicine Cards

Monday, August 2, 2010

Intro to Native American Spirituality

"We need to find and self-activate universal wisdom, by remembering and acknowledging that we are magical and universal human beings."—Samantha Britt Williams

Native Americans interact spiritually with the earth, and with all the living things that live on earth. They honor the connection between us all whether we walk on two legs or four and offer ways to connect more deeply to the world around you in both an energetic and a spiritual sense.

The Concept of Animal Medicine

This spiritual approach of finding power animals and spirit animals and animal allies all begins with the belief that they are our relatives, our "relations" and that they have "medicine" to share with us. But this medicine is not the traditional kind that most of us think of when we hear the word.

More on that in the next post! See you tomorrow...


Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Ultimate Blog Challenge Begins

As another blog challenge begins, I am excited to be writing in this blog, as well! Though I may not tweet these posts, I believe they will show up on my Facebook fan page every day along with my posts from my other blog about holistic healing.

My plan for my posting here includes introducing Native American spirituality, introducing Native American astrology, describing each "sign" and the power animal connected to it, and explaining how you can use a medicine wheel for healing. I believe that will fill, if not overload the 31-day extravaganza.

What does Native American spirituality have to offer us in the way of connecting more with ourselves and with nature?

How can we understand ourselves better by taking a look at Native American astrology? Could we learn more about what we came here to do?

What on earth is a medicine wheel and how does it heal? :)

These are some of the questions I will be answering this month right here in this blog. Hope to see you here each day and I welcome your feedback.

See you tomorrow!


Friday, July 30, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom on Friday: Intuitive Reading

There is energy stirring around creativity and passion. Moving to deeper waters and new dimensions, calling forth what you need so that it can manifest in your life.

Questions for Reflection

Your thoughts are powerfully creative. What have you been creating lately? How can you empower your thoughts so that what you create is what you wanted?

How are you handling tension and stress? Are you holding it in or finding ways to release it?

Are there situations in your life that need a breath of fresh air? Take them for a walk in the sunshine and see if any new insights come your way.

Don’t forget to play. Create a little fun in each day. How about splashing around in the water? Pool, ocean, bath. You may need to get yourself into or near the deep water.

How are you at spending time alone or enjoying your own company? If an opportunity comes your way for deepening your connection with yourself, take it. Dive right into it!

Seek Nurture and Comfort

This may be a time to seek comfort in the familiar. Return to what feels safe if things have been feeling uncertain. But don’t seek safety by shutting down emotionally. Stay open to your feelings.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Native American Blessingway Baby Shower

The Blessingway Ceremony

"The blessingway ceremony helps a woman to prepare mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the work of birthing, and it opens her to the instinctive abilities, which will guide her as she steps into the role of mother." -Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke and Donna Miller Watelet, Mother Rising

This book is one of the best one I found on this really beautiful ceremony! This lens will give you a lot of information on how to create a blessing ceremony for a mother-to-be, instead of a traditional baby shower.

Having a blessingway ritual doesn't mean getting rid of all that is traditional. You might still give gifts for the baby, or serve cupcakes, for example.

The basic process consists of four steps...

Creating Sacred Space
Shifting Negative Energy
Empowering & Opening to Guidance
Completing the Ritual

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Deer Moon Dreamboard

I was tired this afternoon, and not really in the mood to put together a dreamboard. To be honest, I have been feeling discouraged lately.

And I suspect that today, I am sad, though I have no intention of examining that closely enough to figure out why.

But I did it anyway because I know how powerful it can be to offer a wish or an intention to the moon!

It's small, but heartfelt!

What are your wishes for this full moon? Share them here in the comment section if you would like or post them on the dreamboard page at full moon dreamboards.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

When Were You Born? The Thunderbird Clan, Part Two

"The Thunderbird, to the Native Americans, is most often depicted in the form of an eagle. ... To align oneself with eagle medicine is to take on the responsibility and the power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be. To accept the eagle as a totem is to accept a powerful new dimension to life, and a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth."--Ted Andrews, Animal Speak

(1) With eagle, you have access to spiritual growth and power, as well as the ability to move easily between the spiritual world and the earthly plane of existence.

(2) Eagle asks you to be willing to explore your emotions and connect more deeply to your inner child for healing, and for a greater sense of passion and creativity.

(3) Eagle offers alchemy and purification as you fly into your own sun! You may be given a healing role both for yourself and others.

(4) With Eagle, you have access to new vision, and an ability to see clearly into past, present and future.

How to Connect More Deeply

(1) Use Cedarwood to enhance intuition and connect with the Divine. Meditate and then journal about any insights or intuitive information that came to you.

(2) Write in your journal every day for at least 21 days. Notice any judgements you are making about others and write about any aspects of those traits in yourself. At the same time, keep a gratitude list, writing down at the end of each day what you are grateful for that you experienced.

Eagle Lessons

Eagle can teach you to see from a new perspective, to connect fearlessly to every hidden part of yourself, to let go of judgement, to heal and grow spiritually and remain grounded at the same time.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

When Were You Born? The Thunderbird Clan in Native American Astrology

Which clan are you a part of: turtle, frog, butterfly or thunderbird?

Native American Astrology

This is a spiritual system that uses a twelve-month calendar and connects birthdates with power animals, elements, seasonal animals and animal clans.
Native American astrology connects each birth date range with a clan animal. There are four clans: butterfly, turtle, frog and thunderbird.

Thunderbird Clan

If you are a member of the thunderbird clan, then you have the eagle as an animal spirit companion.

Thunderbird Clan Member Birthdates

March 21st-April 19th
July 23rd-August 22nd
November 22nd-December 21st

What Thunderbird/Eagle Offers

"The Thunderbird, to the Native Americans, is most often depicted in the form of an eagle. This was the great spirit who controlled lightning and rain, punishment and reward. To the Plains Cree all eagles had mystical power, and these powers could be shared by anyone who possessed part of the bird. To align oneself with eagle medicine is to take on the responsibility and the power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be. To accept the eagle as a totem is to accept a powerful new dimension to life, and a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth."--Ted Andrews, Animal Speak

Next Post: How to Connect More Deeply