Welcome to my blog!

I completely abandoned it a year or so ago but I'm back, now, still trying to discern a call to ministry (?) and figure out how to weave the various strands of my spiritual interests together with what seems to be an insistent call I haven't yet answered.

How it will all look, I have no idea!

So these posts will be for me until I can figure out exactly what I will offer to others.

You're still welcome to join me for tea & contemplation. :)

Meditation Video

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Readings

Does life feel chaotic for you, right now? Are you overwhelmed?

Slow down. Get grounded and centered again. Make sure you aren’t trying to “push the river”. It’s not always better to get there faster. Spend time regularly grounding yourself. Connect with the earth mother within.

Are you taking enough time for yourself? Is there anything you might be missing because you are keeping yourself too busy? Busyness can be a way to avoid seeing what is right in front of you. Slow down the pace and really take it all in.

Remember that you have all the time you need to accomplish whatever you set out to do. It’s okay to slow down. You will still get there. Don’t let anyone else rush you. Follow your own rhythm.

And remember, too, that you are not alone. You are being held gently in love. Allow yourself to be aware of the deep love that holds you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Releasing Fear

Releasing Fear

This is the part of the blessing ritual where each person gets to let go of all of their fear and negativity. You can use the following meditation idea I have provided or create your own for the women to experience.

Lead each woman to begin by taking several deep breaths, and focusing on sending relaxation to every part of their bodies. The more relaxed they are, the more deeply they will take in the meaning of this experience.

You might have them take a few minutes to imagine a golden light above them, showering them with warmth and relaxation, searching out any areas that are still tense, gently loosening up the tension and washing it away. Once they are fully relaxed, they can begin to identify their fears.

Each woman, but especially the mother-to-be, should take as much time as she needs to identify every worry and concern. Whatever they are, they can take them out, look them over, acknowledge them and then, consciously release them.

Each woman can picture them floating away and then, dissipating as they are absorbed into the loving energy that surrounds you all.

You might have each woman conclude the experience with a prayer or another statement of intention...

I now release all of these fears to the four winds, knowing that they will handle them with love and exchange them for peace.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Full Moon Friday ~~ Shine on, Harvest Moon!...

I am writing this post early in case anyone wants to get in on the full moon action today instead of tomorrow. The official full moon time was last night around 11pm and it began its rise during the autumn equinox, so lots of spiritual stuff happening these past couple of days.

Since the full moon remains full for a couple of days before it begins to go into hiding, I decided to make the Friday Feng Shui post a Friday Full Moon post instead.

My son and I both created full moon dreamboards today. If you would like to create one, too, think about what in your life you would like to create or harvest as we begin the autumn season.

Here are our dreamboards! Mine is above, my son's is below. Please share yours on my Squidoo full moon dreamboard lens. Once yours is created, I invite you to put it on your windowsill, balcony or near the window where the light of the moon will pass by...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

Open your hands and heart to receive the gifts that are coming your way. Something good is coming. Whatever you allow will show up for you. Expect enchantment and be on the lookout for synchronicities.

There is something you have set in motion and if you continue with it, you will be successful. Within the next few months, something will show up for you, so don’t give up. Carry on, keep moving forward and strengthen your faith and your patience.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Shifting Negative Energy

Shifting Negative Energy

"The blessingway ceremonies create a sacred and safe environment where a mother-to-be can explore the challenges and joys that lie before her as she approaches birthing and mothering."-- Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke and Donna Miller Watelet, Mother Rising

In this part of the blessing ritual, you begin the process of helping the mother-to-be bond with her baby and release any fear or negativity that might get in the way of that connection.

"You fully commit yourself to being present to your purpose by releasing fears (or anything else that might distract you, cloud your efforts, or block your intentions). The process of letting go of fear is usually one of the most powerful parts of a blessingway ritual..."-Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke and Donna Miller Watelet, Mother Rising

Next Post: Bonding with her baby

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

You are about to experience an awakening. Get ready for it.

You are being called to fully become who you are, to access all of the magic within, let go of whatever has been holding you back and take flight. Set your intention, ask for intuitive guidance, call out for healing energy and open yourself to the magic that will take place.

Trust your ability to find the answers you need. Solutions will come to you if you can relax enough to allow them. Begin to stretch into your potential by trusting the magic within you and the wisdom you seek to provide answers, to provide guidance and to bring about awakening and transformation.

Journal Questions

(1) What do the words "magic", "transformation", and "awakening" mean to you?

(2) What might they mean in your life at this point in time?

(3) Is there an area of your life that needs transformation?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Sacred Intention

Once you have cleared the space, begin the healing circle time with a statement of intention or a prayer. It can be said out loud or silently, in your heart.

But indicate in some way that you intend to release anything that might hold you back, and open your heart and soul to all that you need in that moment.

If you would like to intensify the spiritual energy of the moment, you can do a kind of invocation, asking for and opening yourself to Divine presence and influence.

The original inspiration for the multi-woman gathering for the mother-to-be called the blessingway comes from Native American Spirituality. To follow that inspiration, you might ask for the energy of each of the four directions: the East, which represents the element of fire; the South, which represents the element of Earth; the West, which represents the element of water and the North, which represents the element of air.

A sample invocation, using the four directions, might be...

May the fire of the East burn away all that needs to be released and lift it away from this healing circle. May the Earth energy of the South ground us and center us and empower us as I begin this work. May the water of the West wash away any negative energy in this space and help us open our hearts to whatever needs to happen in this moment. And may the North blow a healing wind over this healing circle, bringing us everything we need.

But feel free to use whatever form of spirituality works best for all of you or to use none at all.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Nurture Your Spirit by Celebrating Fall

Decorating for Fall

Fall is my favorite season!! I swear I can feel fall in the air toward the end of August, in spite of the 90-degree-plus heat and humidity here in the south. And my eye starts roaming around the rooms in my home, looking for ways to begin to add those touches that say "autumn joy."

Well, if you feel that way, too, you and I are in great company. Head over to The Inspired Room and meet the collection of women who are already feeling fall!

Meet Me Here on Fridays

Join me every Friday for Friday Feng Shui, helping you bring joy to your home and nurture your soul by sharing everything I have learned about medicine feng shui and interior alignment from Denise Linn and other great spiritual designers. And during the month of October, on Fridays here and every day at Create a Home for Your Soul, I will enjoy 21 Days of Autumn Bliss.

Feng Shui Principles

How to get started so you, too, can experience autumn wonder in October? Here are some brief ways to start the process. More on each in the days and weeks to come.

(1) Clear Your Clutter: I am doing that right now but let me admit that I have a ways to go because I am a pack rat.

(2) Clear Your Space: Release any negative energy trapped inside your home. Open the windows, light a candle in each room, mist or smudge the rooms and transform the way your house feels.

(3) Honor Your Alignment: Do you know which element your spirit aligns with most? Find out and choose carefully when you begin decorating.

See you next Friday!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

As you mature in your life as a healer, as you more fully inhabit and express this part of who you are, your “true colors” as a healer will shine forth. Your bright and vivid uniqueness will develop and manifest more and more. It may take time but it will happen.

Know that you are filled with light and can be a reflection of light in the lives of others.

Is there anything going on emotionally that you need to “air out” or that needs fresh air? Do you need to look at it from a new perspective?

Are you avoiding your feelings about this issue?

Look for what needs to transform in your life. There is promise and magic awaiting you as you allow yourself to be transformed.

No matter what your situation is right now, transformation and healing are possible. Give it some sunshine and fresh air, allow a little time, and transformation will occur.

But this transformation may require you to let go of your illusions and release what belongs to the past because holding on is restricting you. When you are able to do that, the transformation that occurs will open the door to a magical, bright future.

This process is not immediate. You may need time to grieve before you are fully able to let go. Allow these feelings to surface. Avoiding them has been weighing you down.

The reward for allowing yourself to grieve and then, letting it go is that you will finally be able to take flight and soar in a way you never have before.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Blessingway: Creating Sacred Space

The Blessingway Ritual

The Blessingway began as a Native American tradition for women about to give birth. I think it's a fantastic gift for mommies-to-be, but also can be used as a spiritual way to nurture women whether they are pregnant or not.

You can use it to nurture or "birth" yourself as a ritual using each step of the process or any particular part of it that calls out to you at the time.

So I offer it here to you each Monday, hoping you will use this ritual to nurture and create growth and healing. And I would love to hear about your experiences. Each week, I will describe a different part of the blessingway ceremony. You can use them separately and then, try them all together if you'd like.

The first part of the ritual involves creating sacred space.
Creating Sacred Space

As this part of the blessingway ritual begins, each person can clear and prepare her space and herself. There are a couple of methods they could use for preparing themselves and they could use them both for clearing their space, as well.

Clearing Themselves

You and each of the women present could do any or all of the following...

Rose Water: in a bowl, place filtered water and add rose petals or rose essential oil. Dip your hands inside and focus on releasing anything (thoughts, feelings, energies) you don't want to bring into the healing space.

Sea Salt Spray Bottle: after pouring in an ounce of sea salt and 10 drops of lemon or sage essential oil, fill a spray bottle with filtered water and roll the bottle back and forth in your hands to blend. Spray lightly around yourself to clear negative thoughts/feelings/energy from your energy field.

Clearing Their Space

Each woman also can use either one of those methods, or both, for clearing her space. First, designate an area for this motherhood work and create a healing space or circle (of space) to work in.

Rose Water: if you have used a bowl of rose water to clear your energy field, use your hand to fling several drops into the air around your healing circle.

Sea Salt Spray: if you chose the spray bottle, spray a wide circle around the area you have designated for healing.

Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Create Sanctuary...

Great article by Dr. Andrew Weil...

"Your home - whether big, small, or somewhere in between - should be your sanctuary, a place where stress is left at the door and your soul is nurtured. For a more comforting environment, gradually implement the following changes into your home..."

My favorite of his recommendations...

"Set aside a room or area for peace and calm. A place for spiritual reflection and meditation can provide shelter from noise and distraction."

"Create an atmosphere of love. Display handmade or meaningful gifts from loved ones and photos of family and friends."

Read more of the article!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

After the Challenge: This Blog's Transformation...

For the past 30 days, I have been posting daily in this blog as part of a month-long ultimate blog challenge. I decided to use that time to present Native American astrology.

Now that the challenge has ended, this blog will return to its regular posting schedule. Starting next week, I will post three times a week, about Native American spirituality, intuitive readings on Wednesdays, and how to create a home for your soul with spiritual healing tips on Fridays.

As always, I welcome your feedback!

See you tomorrow!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

You are a visionary and a messenger and you are being led, with gentle, loving energy to your life purpose. You are being led home, to the core of who you are.

You know the way home no matter how far away you have wandered. If you are feeling lost, know that there is an instinctive part of you that can lead you back home to yourself.

Remember who you are. Come home to yourself.
Pay careful attention because your soul is sending you messages, gently nudging & guiding you toward your soul purpose. Be open to guidance about how to use your own creative energy to manifest your life purpose.
Be prepared for people who may be unable to understand you or your vision. Don’t let them take your power.

A new sense of empowering and self-worth is awakening in you and it will enable you to triumph over the circumstances you’re dealing with right now.
If you have been going through something difficult or painful, you are about to shift into moving through it in a triumphant way, with a new hope & a new vision.