Welcome to my blog!

I completely abandoned it a year or so ago but I'm back, now, still trying to discern a call to ministry (?) and figure out how to weave the various strands of my spiritual interests together with what seems to be an insistent call I haven't yet answered.

How it will all look, I have no idea!

So these posts will be for me until I can figure out exactly what I will offer to others.

You're still welcome to join me for tea & contemplation. :)

Meditation Video

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Horse Freedom

Horse is but one of the many fascinating spirit animals you can connect with, learn from and whose energy you can embrace.

This blog post continues the series on Native American Spirituality and animal medicine.

Animal Medicine

In Native American spirituality, animal medicine refers to the empowerment that each animal offers us and is based on the belief that we are all connected to every living thing, to all that is. That we are all family.

As loving family members, animals come to us in spirit, as power animals, and stay for a lifetime, or as spirit animals, and stay for a while. They offer us their strength, their wisdom, their character, their essence.

"Every animal is unique unto itself. Each species has its own characteristics, its own strengths and its own weaknesses. "-Ted Andrews, Animal Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small

For example, horses exemplify the love of freedom, the need to be untethered, free to roam whenever the need beckons. In addition to accepting their gifts to us, we can request what we need from them.

When animals come to you as power animals or spirit animals, they help you develop potential within you that matches their characteristics. They also teach us the lessons we need to learn.

Among the lessons they teach are how to use and develop your potential, how to adapt to your environment, lessons of dying to one part of your life and being reborn to something new, and maintaining responsible relationships with all our relations.

Next Post: Is Horse One of Your Power Animals?

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