Welcome to my blog!

I completely abandoned it a year or so ago but I'm back, now, still trying to discern a call to ministry (?) and figure out how to weave the various strands of my spiritual interests together with what seems to be an insistent call I haven't yet answered.

How it will all look, I have no idea!

So these posts will be for me until I can figure out exactly what I will offer to others.

You're still welcome to join me for tea & contemplation. :)

Meditation Video

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading ~ Coming into Your Own

Something new is being birthed into your life. You are in a good place to let go of the old and make way for the new.

You are especially close to the spiritual energy of the between places, the realm of life hovering on the bridge between the physical and the spiritual.

The energy of creativity is available to you. Nurture and take care of any new projects you have begun and be on the lookout for new opportunities to come your way. When they show up, move toward them quickly and aggressively. Ask for guidance about how to make the most of those opportunities.

Though you do not need massive strength to be safe and secure, you do need to be capable of standing on your own. Stay grounded and connected to the energy of both earth and water.

Now is the time to assert yourself, to express your authority and know that you will be heard and your authority respected. Follow your own path and listen to your own wisdom. You know what is best for you and it is safe to trust that inner knowing. Allow it to guide you home.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Completing the Ritual

Bringing the Ritual to a Close

As you begin the process of concluding the blessing ritual, have everyone take several moments to sit quietly and contemplate their experience. Encourage them to think about what shifted for them, to allow gratitude for every way in which they were empowered, inspired, blessed.

Suggest that they decide what they want to take with them into the days ahead. They can consider when they might repeat the part of the experience that meant the most for them (it's a blessing for them, too).

For closure, you might have each woman say a prayer or a few words of intention about what she is taking with her as you conclude the experience. Energetically re-open the healing circle you created and then, suggest that each woman imagine shrinking part of it into a tiny little heart-shaped memento she can press into her heart.

As the ceremony ends, have each woman step out of that space and back into the day. This ending leads to the less formal part of the gathering and is often followed by eating together and spending time just being with the mother-to-be.

The connection each woman has created to her and to each other lasts well beyond the experience itself and offers a source of strength and connection for the mother-to-be if she needs it in the weeks to come. Many women make a commitment to the mother-to-be to be there for her if she needs them and to remind her of any aspect of the powerful process she experienced when she needs it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Wisdom: Intuitive Reading

You are going to need to draw on courage and strength to face the truth about something. It maybe the way you feel about a situation you’re involved in or something that is happening that you would rather not know about, or a truth about yourself, but whatever it is, you haven’t admitted it to yourself yet.

Know that it is safe to do so and you will be guided and healed and protected. And that loving, angelic help is always available when you ask.

This truth is related to illusions you are holding onto that are holding you back. Remember that many things are not the way they seem. Sometimes we create those illusions to protect ourselves. But you are becoming ready to know what it is.

You are ready now for the transformation and healing that will come from knowing the truth.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blessingway Baby Shower: Creating an Altar

In a traditional blessingway ceremony, the mother-to-be is sometimes left with mementos and reminders of the ritual experience and is encouraged to create an altar that will empower her during the remainder of her waiting period. If you are interested in creating one, there are a number of empowering possibilities.

Possibilities include...

A pregnancy altar - designed to honor this most important time in her life. You might have symbols and images that are related to motherhood, pregnancy, etc.

A mother within altar - designed to remind her that she has wisdom and strength within and can trust herself as she navigates through the challenges of this journey to motherhood.

A mother earth altar - designed to encourage her to draw strength and nurturing from the solid wisdom of the earth. Food or nature symbols would be used for this altar.

The next step in the blessing ritual is completing the ritual.